Grow your wahaca chillies

8th April 2020

If there's ever been a time to get green fingered and plant that packet of Wahaca chilli seeds that have been hanging around at the back of your drawer then this is it.

Planting your seeds to make your very own chilli babies couldn’t be easier, simply follow the below steps and you’ll be on your way

1) Prepare a suitable container with compost

(Top lockdown tip: a mug can even work for this)

2) Firm down and water generously with a fine spray

3) Leave to soak for 30 minutes

4) Break your sticks out of the packet carefully so you have individual sticks ready to plant

5) Push each stick point down into the compost to the depth line printed on the stick

Written by Beth Palmer

Passionate about Pork Pibil tacos, Beth is Wahaca's Senior Brand Manager, often spotted with her dog Seb by her side.

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